View Full Version : New generation of IA'ers... How much longer will you be on IA?

08-09-2005, 08:19 PM
I wonder what It will be like....

Im curious as hell to see What it will be like... I don't see myself still Beeing around as I have been for 5 more years or even owning IA.
But I've seen people come and go and still have some peeps who have been here for the longest.

But how much more longer can we stay on IA...
People are joining everyday and holding it down.. But like our 30+ crowd.. I wonder if they will still be around?
I was 21 when we started developing IA. Im about to be 27...

IA is just getting bigger and bigger everyday.. Will brett and QD still be here when they hit 40 ? Will I be here when I hit 30? Would you still be here...

Who will take IA a step futher? Pablo Did it 3 years ago.. Paul has done it and still is going on 2 years now, I did it 5 years ago.....
BTW.. you never Know, Pablo and paul were once members and now are part the success of this site... Shit Paul has more say so then I do with this site.. Hes running shit big time now.

I just honestly don't see myself as involved... lol.. weird shit y0

Shit I think about sometimes about this site... :crazy: :bigok:

08-09-2005, 08:21 PM
i dunno how long i will be....i am far from the import scene now and i only come out for shows now...it's basically just entertainment now

08-09-2005, 08:21 PM
I just got onto it not long ago once i realized what it was actually used for. . .forums. Im only 19 and in college in Valdosta, im here to stay, get used to me :D

08-09-2005, 08:22 PM
i just used 'now' way too many times

08-09-2005, 08:23 PM
Im not sure.. its kind of like an addiction... :)

08-09-2005, 08:24 PM
Don't go Julio. I guess I'll just have to hold it down for u. You should make me a mod :D :D :D :D I'm really just kidding :P

08-09-2005, 08:24 PM
Im not sure.. its kind of like an addiction... :)

I was thinking the same thing last night. When IA crashed for a minute I was lost sitting here at my desk. I was totally bored.

08-09-2005, 08:25 PM
ill stay i guess because im basically still a noob and dont even own a car yet i have a long way to go

08-09-2005, 08:29 PM
hmm..you should throw a big IA meet.somewhere in The metro atlanta area,..have you done one before?..I heard something like this trying to be done in another Thread..just wondering. if its possible...

and yah..I just joined this site, like a week or 2 ago? I think im probably gunna stay..and try to hold back what I type and not get on peoples bad side or piss ppl off for no reason and not post anything bad anymore..Ive learned my lesson from Julio..eh. I came on here 2 meet new people in my local area who have the same interest as me. and try to find a new spot 2 meet up @, other locations are just getting 2 crowded and cops kickin us out.

08-09-2005, 08:29 PM
i remember when i was someone here!

i have been here a while, im not leaving until i ban myself :D

08-09-2005, 08:36 PM
hmm..you should throw a big IA meet.somewhere in The metro atlanta area,..have you done one before?..I heard something like this trying to be done in another Thread..just wondering. if its possible...

and yah..I just joined this site, like a week or 2 ago? I think im probably gunna stay..and try to hold back what I type and not get on peoples bad side or piss ppl off for no reason and not post anything bad anymore..Ive learned my lesson from Julio..eh. I came on here 2 meet new people in my local area who have the same interest as me. and try to find a new spot 2 meet up @, other locations are just getting 2 crowded and cops kickin us out.

Old Skool IA meets were nuts.. In the last 5 years we have had like maybe 60 meets... Hottest meets were at the toys R Us of 20 in lawrenville/buford...
The Old meets at Toys R us were pulling 200+ cars before we had to end that shit.
I think Kevy Kev.... Im not sure exactly, but I think he was the one with the Idea and made a post about TRU back then on here, blah I cant remember .. But shit blew up.

08-09-2005, 08:37 PM
I have been on IA since 2000 and I dont see myself going ANYTIME soon. IA has been a great place for me to come and keep up with the Import Scene and I have made some great friends and have had some great nights cause of IA. I may be old but I will be here for many years to come

08-09-2005, 08:38 PM
Old Skool IA meets were nuts.. In the last 5 years we have had like maybe 60 meets... Hottest meets were at the toys R Us of 20 in lawrenville/buford...
The Old meets at Toys R us were pulling 200+ cars before we had to end that shit.
I think Kevy Kev.... Im not sure exactly, but I think he was the one with the Idea and made a post about TRU back then on here, blah I cant remember .. But shit blew up.

TRU fucking rocked until the dumb bastards came and ruined it.. like normal.

08-09-2005, 08:39 PM
In later years according to IAs growth make it Import America.

08-09-2005, 08:41 PM
TRU fucking rocked until the dumb bastards came and ruined it.. like normal.

Then kohls.. and I believe that was killed to.. By Mike Aka Droptopdrifter.. I think..

08-09-2005, 08:43 PM
I've been here since i got my car about 3 years ago and a even little before that and im here to stay for as long as this site is up!

just have to say thanks to you Julio, Pablo, and Paul for giving me a place to have fun and learn! :goodjob:

08-09-2005, 08:43 PM
As long as IA isn't a bunch of ricers/domestic haters and is one of the most active automotive sites locally, I'll still be here.

08-09-2005, 08:43 PM
I rem the only real meet i made it too was KNowledge Performance, then i started working nites and then joined mil... oh well. Prost! (Cheers for you Emericon mofos)

08-09-2005, 08:45 PM
Old Skool IA meets were nuts.. In the last 5 years we have had like maybe 60 meets... Hottest meets were at the toys R Us of 20 in lawrenville/buford...
The Old meets at Toys R us were pulling 200+ cars before we had to end that shit.
I think Kevy Kev.... Im not sure exactly, but I think he was the one with the Idea and made a post about TRU back then on here, blah I cant remember .. But shit blew up.

..Damn dude thats friggin nuts..-.-; Im dissapointed..man, I missed out on alot..I hope you can do more IA meets more often, like tha one youve done in the past 5 yrs, that would be nice. ..but whyd you stop all those Meets anyway?

o n yeah atlanta is up there in the top 3 cities for the street scene along with detriot and san deigo.

08-09-2005, 08:54 PM
ive been here for a little over a year..and i really dont see myself leaving anytime soon. i plan on doing car stuff forever. so....keep up the good work i appreciate all that goes into this site and events!!

08-09-2005, 08:58 PM
It started off at the Toys R Us in Buford, went to Kohls' in Lawrenceville, and then I organized the meets at a place on Buford Hwy called Burrell's. After that, they died for a minute until they started meeting at Target and Northpoint. I really enjoyed those meets. I became addicted to to IA because everyone on here was cool as hell. And I was immediately accepted even though I had/have a Neon. Brett and I and our clubs started hittin up shows together and here we are today. I don't think I'll bail anytime soon. Like Leisa said, this is an addiction. I enjoy it and I have made plenty of friends around the ATL because of it. Later, QD.

08-09-2005, 09:02 PM
This is a great question Julio...

Julio..my take on this is that if Paul/You/Pablo ever needs some help in taking care of some shows, I'll help him out.

You know you just gotta to ask. But you know that though.

08-09-2005, 09:15 PM

Didn't it move to stockbridge @ kmart lot also?

nice..you should organize more meets around here..they sort/kinda of died out these meets need help man!..well its what ive heard..havent really been to any meets on that side of Atlanta..

08-09-2005, 09:19 PM
No. IA meets were never moved to Stockbridge. Most(prolly about 80-85%) of the IA population is Northside(Gwinnett, Buford, Duluth) so the majority of the meets are up there. A few IA-ers from the South tried a couple of meets, but they flopped. I lived in Jonesboro and still went to the Northside for meets. Later, QD.

08-09-2005, 09:22 PM
Ive noticed alot of IA members on here, are located in cobb county as well.- west atlanta..damn jonesboro is out there past Gainsville isint it?

08-09-2005, 09:28 PM
Yep i was at Kohl's and Toys R Us. I member Dem dayz Parking lot full of cars

08-09-2005, 09:32 PM
this is kinda sad :( I don't wanna think of people leaving...(runs off crying)

08-09-2005, 09:34 PM
I Pretty much left for a while but found my way back again. I want to be a post whore when I grow up!

08-09-2005, 09:35 PM
No, Jonesboro is out where the NOPI show is held at. Just before the AMS. South of the airport. Later, QD.

08-09-2005, 11:54 PM
I remember my first meet was the HiFi Buys meet. About 30+ rolling out from Gwinnett Place. Back when i knew and talked to Eli (when he had to drive his moms z3 cuz his car was in the shop), Aly, Marta Mike, Collins, all of yall pretty much. Met Paul for the first time that day. Thats what got me addicted. I miss the days that it took us a week to plan them and a lot of the people would come...I also miss Mountain Runs...I'll be here for years and years to come.

The Ren
08-10-2005, 12:12 AM
Im still pretty new to the IA scene but I have made some cool friends and met some awsome people.. the people who I hang out with atleast twice a week I met on IA.. and yes I consider a few of them my real friends.. I can confide in some of them.. I aint going no where.. If you dont like it.. Tough!!

08-10-2005, 12:16 AM
Eh... I'll be here... Im not leaving the so called "import scene" anytime soon. :doh:

08-10-2005, 12:16 AM
i'll be here until something demands more of my time.

08-10-2005, 01:02 AM
yeah i havent been here to to long but dont plan on leaving.........ever!!. i love this site. if i had a shitty day i alway have something to look forward to when io get off work. its kinda like a habbit now when i get home i come staright to the computer and get on here and a couple RX7 fourms and just switch back and forth for hours. all the admins and mod are great and do a very well job keeping this fourm in order and i would feel kinda lost if IA was ever to leave :( one day ill get a 1st shift job and will hit up the north point meets (on my things to do list :D ). plus im moving to kennasaw(sp) at the begining of sept so ill be closer to the meets. it may sound like a lot to say from only being here 6-7 month but this sites great and im here to stay!!!

08-10-2005, 01:23 AM
I've been around for a while.. Not sure how much longer I'll be around, but it'll be for a while.

08-10-2005, 02:02 AM
Im not sure.. its kind of like an addiction... :)
i second that

08-10-2005, 05:44 AM
this is just another place to buy used/new parts from others and meeting other people, and a place to get help from love this site......

08-10-2005, 07:21 AM
When QD leaves, I'll leave.

08-10-2005, 08:51 AM
i went to the old kohl's meets with my ex- i didn't know they were IA meets tho. interesting.....

i've been on here since Feb. and I don't planning on going anywhere for awhile. I love you guys too much.....tear..... lol

B16a2 Civic
08-10-2005, 09:08 AM
Brett and QD arent 40 yet? thats crazy....Lol
but yeah imma be hea for a whilllleeee post whoring this bitch up, even if i dont own an import, i'll support the scene, i been dion the import thing since i was 16, now im 21, lost a lil love for it, but i still love it with a passion, to be honest, IA should never go away as long as theres a interest for the scene and loyal supporters.....and post whores like me, spyda and brett :lmao:

08-10-2005, 09:33 AM
I wonder what It will be like....

Im curious as hell to see What it will be like... I don't see myself still Beeing around as I have been for 5 more years or even owning IA.
But I've seen people come and go and still have some peeps who have been here for the longest.

But how much more longer can we stay on IA...
People are joining everyday and holding it down.. But like our 30+ crowd.. I wonder if they will still be around?
I was 21 when we started developing IA. Im about to be 27...

IA is just getting bigger and bigger everyday.. Will brett and QD still be here when they hit 40 ? Will I be here when I hit 30? Would you still be here...

Who will take IA a step futher? Pablo Did it 3 years ago.. Paul has done it and still is going on 2 years now, I did it 5 years ago.....
BTW.. you never Know, Pablo and paul were once members and now are part the success of this site... Shit Paul has more say so then I do with this site.. Hes running shit big time now.

I just honestly don't see myself as involved... lol.. weird shit y0

Shit I think about sometimes about this site... :crazy: :bigok:

bitch you love this shit and you know it... its like your own bastard child as much as you can hate it you can't let go... you know your going to be 30+,40+, 50+, 60+ doing this shit b/c i won't let you quit.

No matter what happens to this site i and many others will always know that Julio is one of the founders of who brought not only this site but this scene together as a big community, think of the 1000's of people that visit this site every day, or the 4,000,000+ hits we get every month :goodjob:

this shit does get tiring b/c there is no real $$$ return on the time/$ we spend on this site, but i will still drive 30 mins every thursday to a meet w/ IA friends as i will drive to countless shows across the southeast to provide coverage for this site.


08-10-2005, 09:40 AM

08-10-2005, 09:45 AM
shit i aint goin no where, i mean i jus got my car, have alwasy loved imports tho, but ill be damn if i ever leave this shit, its to much fun...you people are nuts, i never thought i would have as much fun as i do

08-10-2005, 10:06 AM
I see myself beeing here int he future. The reason I got involved was because I saw the potential in the site and I like getting sponsors for it.
I don't really like all the shit talking that has been going on for the pas few months or the bullshit post that i have seen in the WL. The reason being is that if I want someone to from a big company to check out the site for a possible sponsorship, I do not want him seeing threads about oral or anal intercourse.
I think that we can get the forum back to where it was a few months ago and it will be better for all.
We are working on some great things for the site and especially for all of you. S be patience and youi will enjoy our success with IA.

08-10-2005, 10:17 AM
hmmmmm.... old school IA was the shit.... all these newbs dont know it's true roots

08-10-2005, 11:38 AM
Shit dude, as long as I have internet access, I will always be on here. Shit IA is my home page mayne. LOL!!!

The Yousef
08-10-2005, 01:24 PM
i've only been part of IA since feb of this year....i don't i'll be leaving anytime soon (or ever)....i've meet some really cool friends (hopefully lifelong friends) through this site and the outings we go on are memorable to say the least....i call this place home (i'm sure most of you do too)...and i don't think that will ever change....





mocha latte cupcake
08-10-2005, 01:26 PM
til i die or my heart stops either way....

The Yousef
08-10-2005, 01:26 PM
til i die or my heart stops either way....

that can be arranged.....

B16a2 Civic
08-10-2005, 01:26 PM
maybe down the road i could be a Brett....oh how grand would that be....

B16a2 Civic
08-10-2005, 01:27 PM
that can be arranged.....

i was typing that same exact thing but changed my mind Lol
i'd +1 you...but i cant, gotta spread more reputation

mocha latte cupcake
08-10-2005, 01:28 PM
and everyone would fear you're sexual escapades.... wow yeah i guess it is good to be brett.....

Yousef: Boy, don't make me use this claymore and RPG!

08-10-2005, 04:04 PM
hmmmmm.... old school IA was the shit.... all these newbs dont know it's true roots


And Pablo, I hope this site does get back to how it was. No arguing, except for in the winter, and just good times. Later, QD.

08-10-2005, 07:26 PM
i will be around for a while, i love this shit

08-10-2005, 07:45 PM
i see myself here for a long long long time IA is my home